Risk and Rejection, The Dark Side of Art (via Risk Play Create, My Search for Authenticity)

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Image via Wikipedia

There’s no way around it. Art must take risks and risk risks rejection. Is rejection the dark side of art? You throw your soul on the page, on the canvas, in the work, and then you stand all naked and vulnerable while the gatekeeper says yah or nay. Mostly nay. Even when you’re good, you get lots of rejection. I just got a doozy. The person rejected my work–and told me I was an enormously gifted writer. Apparently they were either being over-the … Read More

via Risk Play Create, My Search for Authenticity

“Stars and Stripes” Dessert … And “Over 21” Independence Day Jello-Shots** (via Italian Handful)

July 4th is almost here! Why not make artistic food for your guests. Check out this blog post and copy the recipe for cool, creative, edible stars and more!

"Stars and Stripes" Dessert ... And "Over 21" Independence Day Jello-Shots** Flags, drums, parades, music, celebration in the neighborhoods, the parks, the beaches. Fireworks, picnics, watermelon, silly games and three-legged races, buffets of favorite recipes, families, children, friends,neighbors, a holiday giddy with anticipation and full of freedom. A time to celebrate our independent, free think Read More

via Italian Handful